laila — solo viola (2024)
Commissioned by Katie Yap, duration 8’
laila was written as a part of Katie Yap’s Diaphonous project with the generous support of Musica Viva Australia through the New FutureMakers program.
The titles of the movements come from phrases around place, belonging, and time.
i. ā ā laila — then
ii. i i laila — there, at that place
iii. kō kō laila — of that place, local
iv. no no laila — therefore; belonging to that place
v. o o laila — of that place
duration 8’
This work is to be performed with a scordatura (B, G, D, F-sharp), and notated both with the sounding pitch (upper staff) and physical location that the left hand would be reading if the instrument were tuned normally (lower staff).
Katie Yap, violist / curator. Image © Grant Leslie, 2022